We require all members to hold DBS and Safeguarding as per the matrix below.
What will DBS and Safeguarding cost me?
The club will cover the full cost of safeguarding courses for members who actively help the club.
The cost of DBS checks is FREE for members / volunteers
Who do I contact to obtain a DBS Check?
The following people within the club are authorised to request a DBS check and are authorised ‘Verifiers’ to check your personal documents.
Andy Gallagher – andygall74@gmail.com
Mark Ralph – markrswim@gmail.com
How do I complete a safeguarding course?
Courses within the North-West region are advertised on the regional website: https://swimnorthwest.org/allevents/category/filter/volunteer-training-courses/
Other courses are available, please contact either the club secretary (secretary@barrowasc.co.uk) or Mark Ralph – markrswim@gmail.com