Halloween Gala 2021 – Procedures

Halloween Gala 2021

Updated 24/10 – Please check for updates prior to the day.

Thank you for entering our Halloween Meet, please read the information below carefully.

We aim to have a safe gala and as such have made a decision to limit the number of swimmers poolside at any one time and instead using the sports hall for the swimmers during the gala. 

As most restrictions have now been lifted, we are planning a safe return of spectators and events, the co-operation of every one with the procedures below is appreciated. The procedures are in place to ensure the safe running of the event.

Some swimmers have not raced for such a long time at a gala and hope that everyone has an enjoyable day.

Swimmers watch out for ‘Spot Prizes’ in heats throughout the gala for some great prizes!!!

Car Parking

Car parking is available at the facility and also overflow parking is available at Furness Academy opposite the leisure centre. No charge will be made for car parking.

Arrival Time

Entry for swimmers / Coaches / Officials will be at 12pm using the specified sports hall entrance.

Entry for Spectators will be at 1pm using the front entrance of the facility. Please make sure you queue responsibly outside the facility.

Entry to the facility.

To reduce mixing (Swimmers/Coaches/Officials) and Spectators must use the separate entry to the facility.

Timings / Warm-Up

Warm-Up will start at 12:40pm and last 40 Minutes.

Gala will start promptly at 1.25pm, we will also have a 30-minute break after event 110, We expect a finish time of 5.30pm if all goes well.

Clubs have been allocated lanes as follows, it is up to clubs to use their allocation as they see fit, however we ask clubs to rotate their swimmers in the warm-up and limit the numbers in the pool at any one time.

Warm-Up – Lane Assignment

Lane 1 – Barrow | Flixton
Lane 2 – Carlisle | Penrith
Lane 3 – Lancaster | Ulverston
Lane 4 – Ulverston
Lane 5 – Wigan | Kendal
Lane 6 – Kendal


An NHS QR event code will be posted at both entrances to the facility, please use the NHS COVID-19 app to check into the facility.

Please follow hygiene procedures and wash hands regularly / use sanitiser which will be made available around the facility. 

COVID-19 spreads through the air by droplets and aerosols that are exhaled from the nose and mouth of an infected person. You should wear face coverings in crowded and enclosed areas where you come into contact with people you don’t usually meet. 

Whilst the government requirements for social distancing have been removed, we encourage EVERYONE to take reasonability for their own safety.

EVERYONE should take a LFT 24 hours before attending the gala. Please do not attend if you have a positive test.

It is the responsibility of all swimmers, officials, volunteers, parents and spectators to self-assess for COVID symptoms (a high temperature; a new, continuous cough; a loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste)If you have one or more of these symptoms (even if they are mild) we are advising you not to attend.

If any swimmers have a positive COVID test prior to the gala please use the form on our website to withdraw and upload proof of positive test so we can refund the entry fees. Entry fees will not be refunded unless proof of positive test is provided.


To reduce risk for swimmers, we made the sports hall available for swimmers / clubs to rest their swimmers. Swimmers must NOT congregate around poolside during the gala.

Swimmers must return to the sports hall after they have completed their race.

Swimmers will be marshalled from the sports hall onto poolside by the appointed marshals.

Member(s) of Barrow ASC will be present in the sports hall at all times.

All bags to stay in the sports hall, only take water bottle, hat and goggles onto poolside prior to your race.

Please make sure you have a warm top over your costume and suitable footwear when being marshalled from the sports hall to poolside for your race. We cannot allow swimmers to bear footed when been marshalled from the sports hall to the pool for their race.

We are aware that we have some swimmers who have nut allergies, so please do not bring nuts within your snacks.

Swimmers must pay attention when being called for marshalling, we will not go looking for swimmers and it is their responsibility to be on time for their race.

Swimmers are not permitted in the spectator area.

When swimmers have completed all of their races make sure you let a coach or team manager know prior to leaving the facility.


Please use the swimmer entry through the sports hall and gather poolside under the slide where you will be met by our referee.

Please make sure you bring your own clipboard, pens and stopwatch, this will enable us to limit the sharing of equipment.

We will provide water during the event and a voucher will be provided to each official which can be redeemed for a hot drink in the café.


We have limited spectator area available both poolside (seated) , poolside outside café and inside the café area.

We ask that spectators are limit to 1 per family.

The facility will have the Life Café open for food / drink.

Spectators are encouraged to wear face masks / coverings when social distancing is not possible.

Spectator entry is £4.00, please bring the correct change so we can limit the handling of cash.

Either BASC or the facility reserve the right to limit spectator entry.

Heat Start Sheets

Coaches and officials will be provided with heat start sheets.

We hope to make them available to spectators priced at £0.50, please make sure you have the correct change to purchase them as we will not be able to provide change, this is to limit the handling of cash.


Results will be posted in the sports hall & spectator areas shortly after completion of each event. To limit the number of people in a single area we will hopefully have online results available. (Link will be posted on www.barrowasc.co.uk)

Swimmers collecting medals please collect individually and not in groups and then return promptly to the sports hall.

Entries and withdrawals.

Please make sure you have checked the accepted entries prior to the event as no changes can be made on the day.

Entries and Withdrawal HERE

If you wish to withdraw this can be done on our website prior to the event and on the day by your coach. All withdrawals to be received by 12:50pm so we can prepare the gala paperwork.

We hope that swimmers have a successful day of swimming.

Thank You